
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pools of Light Victoria Staion Manchester 

But now I use the accouterments to store my necessaries 

I Used to Smoke You Know 

I Used to Smoke You Know, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Underground Car Park Manchester 

Victoria Station in the Afternoon February Sunshine 

MEN Arena steps in the afternoon February sunshine. 2jpg 

MEN Arena steps in the afternoon February sunshine 

Is that my bus 

Is that my bus, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Spinningfields 2 

Spinningfields 2, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.


Spinningfields, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.


Beetham, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

High Rise 19th century v High Rise 21st century 

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun 

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Singing Ringing Tree Solarised 

Singing Ringing Tree with heavy skies 3 

Wet Dry Stone Wall Bokeh 

Wet Dry Stone Wall Bokeh, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Singing Ringing Tree with heavy skies 

Frost on my windscreen 2 

Frost on my windscreen 2, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Cliche Alert #30001 border 

Cliche Alert #30001 border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Cathedral Door border 

Cathedral Door border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Cliche Alert #30000 border 

Cliche Alert #30000 border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

It's raining again border 

It's raining again border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Wet flags St Anns Sq 2 border 

Wet flags St Anns Sq 2 border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

Wet flags St Anns Sq 

Wet flags St Anns Sq, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

I dream of trees border 

I dream of trees border, originally uploaded by Waka Jawaka.

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